Goedele Verreydt

Expert in terms of flux sampling of soil and groundwater contamination 'I've already been engaged in soil and groundwater contamination professionally since 2004. I am fascinated by research and love challenges. I am a critical thinker and dare to ask questions. The development and valorization of the iFLUX technology therefore was a perfect match after my PhD. I believe strongly in the technology and the added value of flux data for a wide variety of applications in environmental management, policy and study. I will therefore give it my all to get flux monitoring implemented and accepted.' iFLUX offers a proven innovative measurement solution to explore the motion of groundwater pollution. The patented technology in combination with the specific data interpretation methodology guarantees a more accurate and complete view of water and pollution movement beneath the surface. These detailed insights enable customers to reduce the cost of total contaminated site remediation. iFLUX aims to help safeguard our precious land by envisioning the dynamics of the earth’s subsurface. Our innovative technology will trigger the shift from traditional concentration based measurements to flux measurements in contaminated land management.

3 min read

The virtual laboratory of iFLUX for measuring groundwater dynamics

Posted on Wednesday 10 March 2021 Real-time groundwater flux sensing depends on in-depth knowledge of many different conditions that impact groundwater dynamics, specifics of monitoring wells as well as parameters affecting sensor performance over...

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Announcement: NEW SIZE Cartridges for measuring groundwater and mass fluxes in smaller monitoring wells

Posted on Tuesday 16 February 2021 We have an exciting announcement to make. Recently, we developed new sizes of cartridges to measure groundwater...

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Lessons learned PART I: If quality goes in, quality comes out

Posted on Tuesday 9 February 2021 A lot has changed since the start of iFLUX and its more than 80 different projects. We have learned a lot, and so...

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iFLUX teams up with trees in tackling groundwater contamination

Posted on Tuesday 26 January 2021 Flux measurements turn out to be a great way of monitoring innovative remediation techniques. In a pilot study of...

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The largest citizen study on groundwater ever!

Posted on Monday 25 January 2021 In the summer, we like to enjoy our garden. But does your garden still enjoy summer? In Flanders, 5000 citizens are...

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iFLUX is measuring groundwater- and contaminant fluxes in over 12 countries

Posted on Wednesday 6 January 2021 Worldwide, there are many differences in how groundwater monitoring is tackled. There’s enormous variation in...

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Real-time groundwater measurements in Poland make iFLUX move forward

Posted on Tuesday 1 December 2020 Since last month, iFLUX is contributing to a study in Poland where we can test our newly developed digital sensor...

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iFLUX launched its new digital sensor solutions ... Digitally

Posted on Friday 18 September 2020 Yearly, iFLUX tries to be present on events about remediation and groundwater all over the world. This helps us in...

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Posted on Wednesday 19 Augustus 2020 Spreading of solutes and contaminants in a groundwater system is important to understand. Exploration of speed...

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Brussels Environment recognizes iFLUX as one of the most valuable new research techniques

Posted on Tuesday 14 July 2020 In 2018, The Brussels Environment organization commissioned the publication of a number of best practices of...

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