Goedele Verreydt

Expert in terms of flux sampling of soil and groundwater contamination 'I've already been engaged in soil and groundwater contamination professionally since 2004. I am fascinated by research and love challenges. I am a critical thinker and dare to ask questions. The development and valorization of the iFLUX technology therefore was a perfect match after my PhD. I believe strongly in the technology and the added value of flux data for a wide variety of applications in environmental management, policy and study. I will therefore give it my all to get flux monitoring implemented and accepted.' iFLUX offers a proven innovative measurement solution to explore the motion of groundwater pollution. The patented technology in combination with the specific data interpretation methodology guarantees a more accurate and complete view of water and pollution movement beneath the surface. These detailed insights enable customers to reduce the cost of total contaminated site remediation. iFLUX aims to help safeguard our precious land by envisioning the dynamics of the earth’s subsurface. Our innovative technology will trigger the shift from traditional concentration based measurements to flux measurements in contaminated land management.

2 min read

How to quantify pollutant degradation in contaminated aquifers?

Posted on Tuesday 16 May 2023 Whenever sustainable degradation of pollutants in groundwater can be demonstrated, inexpensive and environmentally friendly remediation options are possible. That is why IsoFLUX was launched as new evaluation tool for...

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2 min read

Groundwater monitoring tools compared

Posted on Tuesday 8 April 2023 There are several groundwater monitoring tools available to measure various parameters of groundwater. Think of water...

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1 min read

World leading companies are adopting groundwater monitoring technologies

Posted on Tuesday 14 February 2023 California faces stark challenges with water. After an extended drought, California was hit by floods starting at...

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1 min read

iFLUX at International Water Association (IWA) World Water Congress 2022

Posted on Thursday 1 September 2022 Groundwater is at the heart of many water-intensive processes. It is central to the irrigation of farms, it can...

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1 min read

Ai on groundwater fluxes

Posted on Tuesday 31 January 2022 We asked ChatGPT about groundwater and flux measurements. We asked what flux measurements are and when it is...

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1 min read

iFLUX recognized as critical element in water management of the future

Posted on Tuesday 27 April 2021 In collaboration with the University of Antwerp and Natuurpunt, iFLUX has implemented a sensor network in nature...

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iFLUX Sampler extraction

1 min read

Accurately monitoring migration of soil contamination

Posted on Tuesday 17 March 2020 Watch the video below to see how iFLUX makes a difference in monitoring soil contamination and groundwater.

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Nitrate monitoring in groundwater

Posted on Tuesday 24 May 2022 To monitor nitrate in water supplies, iFLUX is teaming up with Hydrometrics. They developed a sensor to directly...

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iFLUX makes groundwater visible in Ghent

Posted on Wednesday 18 May 2022 Even though groundwater is invisible, the consequences of groundwater disruptions are clear. The news often talks...

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1 min read

INTERVIEW: iFLUX makes the transition to real-time digital groundwater monitoring

Posted on Monday 14 February 2022 iFLUX is shifting its activities from more reactive monitoring to a digital system that allows for real-time...

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