Goedele Verreydt

Expert in terms of flux sampling of soil and groundwater contamination 'I've already been engaged in soil and groundwater contamination professionally since 2004. I am fascinated by research and love challenges. I am a critical thinker and dare to ask questions. The development and valorization of the iFLUX technology therefore was a perfect match after my PhD. I believe strongly in the technology and the added value of flux data for a wide variety of applications in environmental management, policy and study. I will therefore give it my all to get flux monitoring implemented and accepted.' iFLUX offers a proven innovative measurement solution to explore the motion of groundwater pollution. The patented technology in combination with the specific data interpretation methodology guarantees a more accurate and complete view of water and pollution movement beneath the surface. These detailed insights enable customers to reduce the cost of total contaminated site remediation. iFLUX aims to help safeguard our precious land by envisioning the dynamics of the earth’s subsurface. Our innovative technology will trigger the shift from traditional concentration based measurements to flux measurements in contaminated land management.

3 min read

iFLUX launches PFAS cartridge to monitor mobility of PFAS groundwater plumes

Posted on Wednesday 12 February 2020 Much has already been written about PFAS. We are not here to reinvent the wheel. But when it comes to the behavior of PFAS in groundwater, there’s less clarity. The iFLUX PFAS cartridge is here to bring more...

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1 min read

Discover how iFLUX is growing

Posted on Tuesday 4 February 2020 Over the last months several team members have joined iFLUX. This enables us to continue innovating and disrupting...

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Investigating and managing over 25,000 contaminated sites in Finland

Posted on Wednesday 29 January 2020 The Finnish government is committed to fully exploit the green character of Finland. That's why they want to...

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The Mass Flux concept in practice: discover our latest case studies

Posted on Thursday 19 September 2019 It has been almost 20 years since Einarson and Mackay published an article about pollutant mass flux and mass...

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iFLUX accelerates smart water management thanks to capital injection of 1.36 million

Posted on Thursday 9 May 2019 The investment funds Qbic II and VMH (Flemish Environmental Holding) gave the green light for an investment in iFLUX....

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Steadily building on the iFLUX success story

Posted on Friday 29 June 2018 The iFLUX story continues to be written prosperously. After eight months as a full-fledged start-up, we can look back...

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iFLUX strengthens collaboration with SGS

Posted on Thursday 17 May 2018 In close collaboration with lab partner SGS, iFLUX optimized the validation technique of the different iFLUX analysis...

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iFLUX settles in Antwerp's Science Park

Posted on Monday 6 november 2017 Once the installation works of our assembly lab was finished, iFLUX settled in the incubator building of the Science...

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iFLUX wins NICOLE Innovation Award

1 min read

iFLUX wins NICOLE Innovation Award 2017

Posted on Friday 6 October 2017 With pride we announce that iFLUX is awarded as most promising and innovative technology at the NICOLE’s Innovation...

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iFLUX selected to accelerate at The Birdhouse Antwerp!

Posted on Monday 2 January 2017 At the end of 2016, iFLUX was selected as one of 15 highly promising start-ups in Flanders to be part of The...

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