iFLUX Blog

Discover how iFLUX is growing

Written by Goedele Verreydt | Apr 30, 2024 10:13:28 AM

Posted on Tuesday 4 February 2020

Over the last months several team members have joined iFLUX. This enables us to continue innovating and disrupting the groundwater sector and to continuously improve how we service our customers. With great pride we take the time to introduce you to these experts.

Meet Joris, our Electronics Engineer

Someone has to set the ball rolling. So who better than our newest electronics engineer! Joris is working on the digital sensor. Making the data remotely accessible, while ensuring continuous real-time measurements is what keeps him going. Welcome Joris!

Fun fact: The trill of electronics isn’t enough, so he recently had his first paragliding experience!

Meet Carolien, our Marketing and Sales

Next up, Carolien, with a background in economics, joined iFLUX for Marketing and Sales. She’s taking care of overall communication, to make sure you and the entire industry can find all relevant information on- and offline.

Hey, someone has to write these articles, right?

Fun fact: In scouting, Carolien’s spirit animal was ‘sharpminded Panda’.